Providing Innovative Wellness Since 1979
Facial Repair
Serum and Cream Ingredient Information
- Retinol: therepautic amounts of Retinol have been shown to reduce fine lines within 2-4 weeks of use.
- Co-Q10 has a reputation of smoothing the skin and improving skin tone.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid: Super rejuvenation nutrient which recycles vitamins C & E and provides a noticeable anti-aging effect.
- Vitamins A, C & E: Revitalizing, anti-wrinkle, anti-aging.
- Rosehip Oil: anti-wrinkle, anti-aging. Rebuilds skin tissue for youthful appearance.
- Rainforest oil used for thousands of years for skin care.
- MSM: Small natural edible plant sulfur molecule easily crosses the skin barrier to act as a carrier for all other ingredients.
- OPA removes unwanted bacteria.